What’s On

Sanarbian Slim and The Slim Jims

The Poor Relation
Mon 28 Oct, 6pm
Curated by Sanarblan Slim and the Slim Jims (Alan Comerford - Guitar, Patrick Freeman - Bass, Ultan Lavery - Piano and Jimmy Christie - Drums), the night will focus predominantly on the pre 60's blues of American musicians. Featuring songs from the early innovators of the blues - Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf, Leadbelly, J. B Lenoir, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Junior Wells, BB King, Freddy King, Albert King et al. The night will be open to musicians who would like to jam. Bring your weapon of choice or use what's there. This is all a part of Cork Heritage Pubs City-Wide Jazz Festival Club 2024, Corks Best Venues & Corks Best Free Gigs